Judicial and Police Cooperation Preventing Radicalization Towards Terrorism

The University of Malta traces its origins to the founding of the Collegium Melitense which was set up through direct papal intervention on 12 November 1592. It is today the highest educational institution in Malta, publicly funded and comprises 14 faculties attracting students from over 80 countries. The Department of Information Policy & Governance is part of the Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences (MaKs). Department of Information Policy and Governance (IPG) Over the past ten years IPG has led international efforts to formalise the theoretical underpinnings and applied-side methodologies of the emerging discipline today recognized as security science. This has included devising and coordinating SEC collaborative research projects including the EU FP7 SMART project on smart surveillance as well as co-establishing the first European Joint PhD in Security Science through Networked Technologies, Information Policy and Law (ESSENTIAL). The Department of Information Policy and Governance (IPG) grew from the Law & IT Research Unit (LITRU) established in 1988. It originally focussed on legal implications and applications of information technology but has since widened its interests to include most facets of the flow of information within society and the resultant impact on security and the distribution of power in society together with Internet Governance and evidence-based, information-related policy making within developed states as well as in emerging economies and indigenous societies.

The Agenfor International, born in 2016 as an independent branch from the long established Agenfor Group, its specific sectors of interests are security and human rights. The main office is in Milan (Italy), with branches in Padua (Italy), Lugano (Switzerland), Tripoli (Libya) and al-Qamashly (Syria). Agenfor International’s mission is the balancing of relationships between international agencies, states, nations and individuals within the post-modern societies and to ensure security through a better protection of human rights and socio-political participation with a particular focus on minorities, prisoners and other vulnerable groups. Over the past years Agenfor has lead several EU funded projects operating in the field of prison and probation, minorities, and counter radicalization. Public-Private partnership and multi-agency approaches are a substantial part the organization’s work, hence it is active in the field of counter-radicalization with training courses and research activities addressing the needs of first-line practitioners from the public and private sectors all around Europe. To conclude, it connects communities and local leaders or experts to institutions, with the aim to share experiences, information and best practices.

Founded in late 1989, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) is an interdisciplinary public policy institute dedicated to the values of democracy and market economy. CSD is a non-partisan, independent organization fostering the reform process in Europe through impact on policy and civil society. CSD works at the forefront of developing effective methods, tools, and approaches for tackling complex issues such as corruption, trans-border organised crime, and radicalisation, including violent extremism and terrorism. The primary focus of CSD’s analytical activities is on the identification of cross-cutting elements between disparate phenomena for the purpose of devising comprehensive policies and strategies underpinned by multi-stakeholder engagement and an unequivocal commitment to the values of good governance, justice, and social inclusion. Ongoing work with relevance to countering radicalisation and violent extremism includes analysis of migration processes and the risk of radicalisation in prisons. Particular attention is given to the need for strengthening inter-agency cooperation in the area of law enforcement and criminal justice and for promoting tolerance and battling racial discrimination and xenophobia at a grassroots level.

The Department of Security Technologies and Engineering is one of the departments of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, conducting education and research in the respective domains throughout whole University. The department is divided into research groups focusing on the areas of:
- ITC Information and telecommunication system security and safety, with special emphasize on cybersecurity and big data processing methods. All activities are more dedicated to the low level processes and interfaces to the high level applications;
- Wireless sensor networks, with broad deployment possibilities, covering transportation, environment and security areas, designed and developed for upcoming Internet of Things standards;
- Vehicles and infrastructure system security and safety, dedicated to the study of interaction of all systems in the vehicle including driver behavior, emphasizing novel, socio-technological approach to the intelligent and automated transportation systems;
- Critical infrastructure security and safety, that covers risk management and risk engineering, protection of critical infrastructure, disaster management and critical activities scenarios;
- Social studies group, which is oriented to the social impact of emerging security threats, especially in cyberspace;
- Special project laboratory supporting the work of respective groups with development of specific electronic and mechanical devices for experimental work while having its own research plan especially in the area of sensors and sensing elements.

The ‘Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen HfÖV (University for Public Administration)’ is a university of applied sciences located in the city state Bremen, established in 1979 by law (Bremisches Gesetz über die Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung vom 18. Juni 1979 Brem.GBl. S. 233, amended 01.10.2006). The HfÖV operates two major study programmes: Law and Taxation / Risk and Security Management; additionally, HfÖV serves as public Police Academy. Since 2006, HfÖV is operating the Institut für Polizei- und Sicherheitsforschung (Institute for Police and Security Research) IPoS (Satzung des Instituts für Polizei- und Sicherheits-forschung IPoS in der Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen, amended 16 May 2013). IPoS is headed by Prof. Dr. Arthur Hartmann, specialised in Criminal Law and Criminal Proceedings Law. IPoS is active in externally funded research at domestic and EU level. A permanently ongoing annual project would be the federal statistics on victim-offender mediation (on behalf of BMJV). During the past years, IPoS has conducted EU projects as Co-Applicant (until 2014) and Lead Applicant (since 2015) in consortia with partners from EU and non-EU countries. Focus of projects ranges from statistical evaluation to counterterrorism field projects. Currently, IPoS is implementing a) one EU Horizon 2020 project, b) one project with the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Woman and Youth, and c) two BKA-ISF-projects.

The Institute for European Studies (IES) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is an academic Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and a policy think tank that focuses on the European Union internal and international affairs. The Institute advances academic education and research in various disciplines, and provides services to policy-makers, scholars, stakeholders and the general public. The IES also provides a number of academic services to disseminate its research and promote its education as well as stimulate academic and public discussion on topical European issues, like counter-terrorism, security, migration, economic governance and climate change. The Institute fosters academic cooperation with a wide range of Universities and other public as well as private institutions in Belgium and abroad. It pursues its mission both on its own initiative (drawing on its core funding from the Flemish government) and through opportunities offered by funding from third parties. IES operates multiple research projects and brings together different types of stakeholders by regularly organising academic events for, among other, the European Institutions, governments, science foundations and various governmental and non-governmental, national and international organisations as well as private companies. The IES team, as part of VUB, is a partner for JP-Coops.

The Centre for Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES) provides a holistic offer to the academic and business world. The Centre is based on the offering of educational (taught), research and consulting solutions. The Centre has emerged from the synergies that have been identified between the Centre for Risk, Safety and the Environment (CERISE) and the Decision Support and Systems Optimization (DSSO) Laboratory and operates under the auspices of European University Cyprus. It is the first cross-disciplinary, cross-School Center of Excellence of European University Cyprus. The areas of focus of the Centre of Excellence revolves around the development, use and evaluation of primarily quantitative and to a lesser degree qualitative methods in order to measure, assess, manage and communicate risk, and to analyze, design and implement decision-making mechanisms and systems.

The Observatory on Good Governance is a structure for research and the dissemination of knowledge for the scientific community and society in general. It is designed as a network of researchers, universities and research centers under the direction and coordination developed by its headquarters at the Rey Juan Carlos University. The Good Governance Observatory was approved by the Rey Juan Carlos University on its Governing Council on 28 February 2014.

The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) has been established by the Law 3387/2005 as the Hellenic Ministry’s of Public Order and Citizen Protection think tank on security policies. KEMEA is supervised by the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection and it is a scientific, consulting and research agency, whose purpose is to conduct theoretical and applied research and to perform studies, particularly at the strategic level, on security policies. In 2011, KEMEA was appointed by Presidential Decree No39 (06.05.2011), as the “National Contact Point” for the protection of European Critical infrastructures (ECIs) – “ECIP contact point” – following the implementation of the 2008/114/EC Directive of the European Council of December 8th 2008 “regarding the definition and designation of the European Critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve the protection of such infrastructures”. KEMEA is authorized to provide professional certification through examinations (in cooperation with the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance-EOPPEP no 3200/09−02/2012) to Private Security personnel. KEMEA represented the Hellenic Government to the European Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF) of the European Commission (EC) and is a Member to the Board of Directors of the European Organization for Security (EOS). KEMEA is also successfully participating in many funded Projects by the EC and the European Space Agency (ESA). In order to fulfill its mission, KEMEA:
- Implements research projects and studies on homeland security relating to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection and its associated agencies as well as other foreign organisations;
- Designs and carries out research projects as a representative of the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection’s subordinate organisations, on behalf of or in co-operation with respective EU, other state or international organisations according to the relevant rules and procedures;
- Develops collaborations on a national and international level with organisations and agencies, research and education centers and foundations, social, academic and productive Bodies, public and private, as well as NGOs;
- Studies criminality as a phenomenon along with its qualitative and quantitative trends in Greece as well as its geographic distribution. Additionally, KEMEA examines methods and practices which can help in the implementation of effective anti-crime policies;
- Makes suggestions on the harmonisation of preventive and anti-crime measures with established constitutional principles, personal and civil rights, lawfulness and the respect of the value of individuals;
- Monitors and studies the technological advancements of security systems and evaluates breakthroughs achieved;
- Makes suggestions on the exploitation of the know-how it possesses;
- Supports cross-border collaborations procedures.
- Organises and conducts conventions, publishes research and general findings of scientific interest, conducts educational seminars, provides certified training on subjects pertaining to security and also designs and conducts certified studies on such subjects;
- Performs various activities that pertain to the accomplishment of its goals;
- Is a Certification body regarding procedures, studies, security plans, of various authorities and entities of the Public and Private Sector.

The association “Les Militants Des Savoirs” is a non-profit organization (law 1901). It brings together teachers, educators and lifelong learning professionals for the purpose of popular education. The association is secular and civic, its objective is the cultural dialogue of the European and Mediterranean citizens through the reciprocal exchange of knowledge and the implementation of cooperative actions aimed at the access of all to knowledge. This association is based on actions structured around the “Coffees of knowledge” or “marathons of knowledge. The association now comprises 62 members in France and is in partnership with the French Federation of Citizens Cafés “Federation ARCADIE”, the European network TTNET FRANCE (Training of trainers network France) and the European network INDICO (International Network for Personal Development and Coaching Learning Skills). The budgetary resources of the association are grants (regional), funding for European projects (GRUNDTVIG, LEONARDO) and membership fees. The association “Militants of knowledge” aims to support or manage local regional national or international projects promoting new forms of mediation or appropriation of knowledge. The events or actions of the association are intended to enable people to: transmit their knowledge and acquire knowledge in a reciprocal and citizen exchange. The association promotes the mutual exchange of knowledge and the mutual dialogue as the primary form of the appropriation of knowledge. Any member of the association will be concerned to help everyone to identify their own knowledge and ways to pass on to others, while helping them to develop their requests for new knowledge. The individual valorization developed within the association must be lived as a school of citizenship. As such, it is important that collective creation remains one of the objectives of the association.The goal of the association “Activists of knowledge” is to support or manage national or international regional local projects promoting new forms of mediation or appropriation of knowledge:
- Through its action, the association produces events, supports, dissemination actions of academic knowledge and citizens;
- Through its human, logistical and financial support, the association allows the emergence of new knowledge;
- Through its civic action, the association intervenes to denounce, support and valorize existing forms of democratic dissemination of knowledge. The association sets up European operations “Marathon of knowledge” “European coffee festival”, week of coffee knowledge. It participates in European projects (fight against school failure, network of reciprocal exchanges of knowledge, world forum for training throughout life.
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